Международные организации





Au Pair

Для студентов и преподавателей

Визовая поддержка и проезд

Сервера трудоустройства


Международные организации

Агентствам - сотрудничество



Украина, Россия, СНГ




Канада, США

Португалия Испания




Предложение для американцев



Взято на http://www.innweb.net/ij/job.html (кстати, неплохой сайт). На каждом сайте из списка есть раздел "Job opportunities". Пробуйте напрямую.

ADB - African Developement Bank

ADB - Asian Developement Bank

ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations

BioDiv - Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

CDB - Caribbean Developement Bank

CERN - European Labroratory for Particles Physics

CERN - International Agency for Research on Cancer

CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

CoE - Council of Europe

Commonwealth Secretariat

Community Plant Variety Rights Office

Consilium - Council of the European Union (Common Foreign and Security Policy)

CTBTO - Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization

EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Developement

ECB - European Central Bank

ECLAC - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast

EEA - European Environmental Agency

EIB - European Investment Bank

EMBL - European Molecular Biology Labroratory

EMCDDA - European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

EMEA - European Agency for Evaluation of Medicinal Products

EPO - European Patent Office

ESCWA - Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

ESO - European Southern Observatory

ETF - European Training Foundation

EU - European Union

EU - European Union - Candidates for temporary research posts

EU - European Union - Recruitment of scientific staff at the Commission

EU - European Union Economic and Social Committee

EU - European Union External Relations Directorate General - Call for the European Union Pillar of UNMIK, Kosovo

EUI - European University Institute

EUMC - European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia

Eumetsat - Europe's Metereological Satellite Organization


European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions



Habitat - United Nations Centre for Human Settlements

IADB - Inter American Developement Bank

IATA - International Air Transport Transport Association

ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization

ICC - International Computing Centre

ICCROM - International Centre for Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

ICJ - International Court of Justice

ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross

ICTP - International Centre on Theoretical Physics

ICTY - International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

IDB - Islamic Developement Bank

IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Developement

ILO - International Labour Organization

IMF - International Monetary Fond

IMO - International Maritime Organization



IOM - International Organization for Migration

ISA - International Seabed Authority

ISO - International Sugar Organization

ITTO - International Tropical Timber Organization

ITU - International Telecommunication Union

NATO - Consultation, Command and Control Agency

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO SACLANT - Undersea Research Centre

OAMI - Office for Harmonization in the International Market

OAS - Organization of American States

OAU - Organization of African Unity

ODCCP - United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention

ODIHR - Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developement

OHR - Office of the High Represantative for Bosnia and Hercegovina

OIML - International Organization for Legal Metrology

OSCE - Mission in Kosovo

OSCE Secretariat Vienna - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

PAHO - Pan-American Health Organization

SOPAC - South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission

SPC - The Secretariat of the Pacific Community

SPF - South Pacific Forum Secretariat

UN DPKO - United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations

UN ECA - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

UN FAO - United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

UN IAEA - United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency

UN ICSC - United Nations International Civil Service Commission

UN OCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

UN OHRM - United Nations Office of Human Resources Management

UN OPCW - United Nations Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

UNCC - United Nations Compensation Commission

UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

UNESCO - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund

UNHCHR - United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization

UNOPS - United Nations Office for Project Services

UNOV - United Nations Office at Vienna

UNU - United Nations University

UNV - United Nations Volunteers
2001 was declared as 'International Year of Volunteers'. See their website here.
Read here my experience with UNV and why I would not suggest to join them.

WEU - Western European Union

WIPO - World International Property Organization

WMO - World Metereological Organization

Worldbank - Worldbank


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